Experiment Configuration Files

Labbooks are for desk people too.

Paging Dr. Docker: HTTP communication between containers

Want to containerise your tests? Watch out!

Trying out something new: FastAPI

I've used Rust's Rocket.rs library for building web APIs, but wanted something pythonier: FastAPI. Some teething trouble at first, but on the whole going well so far!

Assembly is WILD

The power afforded by assembly is astounding; the skill required to wield it properly moreso. This is a tale of GameBoys, CPU emulation, and learning assembly.

Electric Vehicles aren't the only solution 🫒🛢️

Electric motor vehicles (EVs) are being ushered in as the one true motor vehicle of the future and internal combustion engines (ICEs) are the thing of the past. Fossil fuels need to be phased out, electric vehicles are one part of that. Biofuels present a carbon-neutral way of powering our vehicles, without straying from ICEs. Why are we forgetting biofuels in all this rush to net-zero?

Project: ImClasRegAn

Image classification and regression annotation tool.


Annotating images is time consuming and boring. Maybe there's a better way...

Bevy games on iOS

Bevy (ECS driven Rust game engine) supports iOS, but not without some tinkering.

Project: Redactor 📄❌👀

Do you need to redact info from an image? Just use paint, right? What if you need to redact hundreds of images? Let's automate that...

The Buffon Problem

If you drop a match, does it cross over two adjacent floorboards?