Image Segmentation and Machine Learning
13 May 2021Time to write the “Hello, World!” of data science blogging; a tutorial on machine learning in python.
Image segmentation
Image segmentation is a classification problem: we have an image and we want to know what is in it on a pixel level. This is in contrast to instance segmentation, which picks out objects more generally but not necessarily their exact bounds.

This is of interest especially in microscopy - finding the location and size of cells on slides, in industries for performing automatic maintenance checking (looking for cracking on pipes), or in pharmaceuticals where we use it to find accurate size and shape information of pharmaceutical ingredients as they crystallise out of solution.
In python
Image segmentation is really, really easy at a very very high level using the
from import *
is a nice wrapper around pytorch
. It is easy to use and hides away a
lot of the difficult or boring parts and provides a lot of nice helper
We need some way of getting data, let’s just assume you’ve got a magical function which gets a list of paths to your input images:
data = get_data()
# e.g.
# get_data() -> [('0.bmp', '0_mask.bmp'), ('1.bmp', '1_mask.bmp') ... ]
This could scrape a directory or do glob matching or similar.
As in pytorch
, fastai
uses a DataLoader
to pass data to the network. We
could use their built in ones, but they also provide a very easy way to compose
a datablock (from which we can get the loader)
# fastai uses DataLoaders to manage input of data to the model
dblock = DataBlock(
blocks=(ImageBlock, MaskBlock(codes=['naw', 'aye'])),
getters=(ItemGetter(0), ItemGetter(1))
dls = dblock.dataloaders(data)
Then build the model, which is a unet, with a resnet backbone.
# unet is a model architecture, resnet is a back bone
learner = unet_learner(dls, resnet34)
Fianlly, we train the model.
learner.fit_one_cycle(3, 1e-3)
Done. Easy peasy.
I glossed over a lot
The model we used is a U-Net

With a ResNet (“Residual Network”) backbone - this does the feature extraction, the bulk of the detection. This is then refined by passing further into the UNet which decodes features and upsamples back to the image size. I’m not 100% on the backbone and how it works - I’d be very grateful for any info (tweet me).
Where does the learning happen?
The training process is done by the fit_one_cycle
function to which we passed
two arguments: the first is the number of epochs, and the second is the learning
rate. I could give a broad overview, but I don’t think I could add anything to
the wealth of incredible information available out there! Towards data
has some good information.
Further Reading
- Image Segmentation in 2021: Architectures, Losses, Datasets, and Frameworks
- Image Segmentation Using Deep Learning: A Survey
Questions? Comments? Get in touch on Twitter!